The Student Support Team (SST) is part of the student support system in a school. In Bremore, our SST are structured as the Clann System. We have 6 clanns in total and each has a Clann Leader.
The Student Support Teams meet weekly and they coordinate supports for students during their time here in Bremore ETSS. The SST provides for the emotional, social, behavioural and learning needs of our students to ensure their ongoing wellbeing.
The table below indicates which class groups are part of which Clann, as well as who their respective Clann Leader is and who their tutors are. The Clanns are named after the 6 founding teachers of Bremore and their themes relate to the subjects they taught. All clann crests were developed by the first group of students ts when they were in 1st year in 2016.
Clann Ó Mhurchú
All classes in our clann are named after birds of prey, consisting of Falcon, Eagle, Griffon and Phoenix. Our Clann crest represents the values of our class - strength, unity, hard work and being good global citizens. Our Clann motto is: Work harder than you think you did yesterday - this demonstrates Clann Ó Mhurchú's dedication to bettering ourselves every day.
Clann Mac Thiarnáin
All classes in this clann are named after planets as one of the original founding teachers was a science teacher. The Lion on the Clann crest represents how students are proud of themselves in Bremore and the Phoenix represents how students can be resilient. The globe represents how students in bremore strive to be global citizens.
Clann Ní Chatháin
Clann Ní Chatháin gets its name and theme from its founding teacher Angela. The theme of our Clann is artists, and students can take inspiration from our motto Knowledge is the Toolbox of our Imagination. Our Clann colour is green. The current Clann Leader is Rebecca. There are 6 classes within Clann Ní Chatháin.
Clann Ní Fhaidh
Ni Fhaidh is the surname of the founding teacher of our Clann as Gaeilge. The theme of our Clann is musicians and our Clann consists of classes Simone, Beethoven, Vivaldi, and Bach. Our Clann Colour is blue. Students are encouraged to show unity with their Clann by wearing blue on our Clann days each year.
Clann Nic Óda
Clann Nic Óda is named after one of the founding teachers. All of the classes in the Clann are named after mathmaticians. Our clann colour is white and the crest notes achievement, growth and wisdom as key values.
Clann Nic Conmhaoil
All the classes in Clann Nic Conmhaoil are named after famous landmarks. The class groups in this Clann are Liberty, Skellig, Everest and Fuji. The Clann colour for Clann Nic Conmhaoil is red. The slogan is 'Be Different, Make a Difference'. The crest represents togetherness, diversity & culture.