iPad - Select Online Store
All students must have an iPad for school. Parents/guardians are responsible for the purchasing of the iPad for their child. This must be done via our preferred service provider. The use of 3G and cellular iPads is not permitted. Parents are also responsible for the safe-keeping, repair and insurance of their child's iPad. Please read the iPad Acceptable Usage Policy in our Policy Section of the website.
For more information on the online store and how to order an iPad please click here
Equipment Lists 2024-25
TY Equipment List 2024-25
5th Year Equipment List 2024-25
LCA 1 Equipment List 2024-25
6th Year Equipment List 2024-25
LCA 2 Equipment List 2024-25
School Book Grants Scheme
Please read our School Book Grants Scheme Policy here
To make an application please complete the Book Grant Application Form
Any queries please email: bookgrants@bremoreetss.com
ICT Guide
Bremore ETSS Guide to ICT used in our school