Bremore Educate Together Secondary School

Development Education/ Globally Citizenship Team

Development Education/ Globally Citizenship  Team

What is the Global Citizenship Education Committee?

The Global Citizenship Education Committee (GCE) is a student coordinated group which normally meets 1-2 times a month to explore GCE themes for example Climate Change and Sustainability, World water day and human rights and justice and more.

Who is on the Global Citizenship Education Committee?

In Bremore, the whole school is involved with the Global Citizenship Education Committee with members ranging from all year group. They undertake activities to inform the school community and encourage action within the student body on GCE themes. For example, Fairtrade fortnight.

They sometimes plan and facilitate GCE learning events with their peers e.g. SVP poverty workshops, plan and facilitate assemblies e.g. Climate change, and liaise with other groups in the school e.g. Green Schools and Student Council. Many of the activities that the committee organise and well attended and engaged with by the whole school community.

The members of the 2019/2020 committee can be found on our GCE Noticeboard in the school.

What have the Global Citizenship Education Committee done so far?

The Global Citizenship Education Committee was first set up in Bremore in 2016. Since then we have been awarded our Worldwise Global Schools Passport in 2017 and maintained it in 2019. We hope to complete our renewal application to maintain the status for another two years.

Students look at the world; and their role in making it more just, equitable and sustainable. Here are some of the themes we have engaged with as a school this year:

  • Global Inequality
  • Resource Extraction
  • Trade Justice
  • Migration and refugees
  • Tax justice
  • Global food systems
  • Poverty
  • Global water issues
  • Climate Change/ Justice
  • Fossil fuels and human rights
  • Ethical consumption and production
  • Gender equality
  • Racism
  • Access to education
  • Human rights
  • Fair trade
  • Child labour and slavery
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Peace and justice

What skills do students develop?
The committee is supported by teachers and management with much of the engagement in the committee is sparked through in class activities across all subjects in the school.

The committee offers further opportunity to develop skills around critical thinking, searching for trustworthy information, public speaking, facilitating, presenting, letter writing, petitions, group work, event organisation, utilization of arts skills and to further GCE themes.

What are the Global Citizenship Education working on currently?

Students on the committee have recently met and discussed promotion of GCE in the school, spending of “materials for student led action” and input into the schools GCE policy.

Students often undertake meaningful actions which address a root cause of a global justice based issue including behaviour change and influencing systems change. The GCE noticeboard is a means to inform the student body and mobilise action!

Development Education/ Globally Citizenship  TeamDevelopment Education/ Globally Citizenship  TeamDevelopment Education/ Globally Citizenship  TeamDevelopment Education/ Globally Citizenship  TeamDevelopment Education/ Globally Citizenship  Team
Feb 17
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Feb 17
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Mar 14
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Mar 17
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Bremore ETSS, Stephenstown Campus, Naul Road, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin, K32 AD90.
01 841 5897
© 2025 Bremore Educate Together Secondary School