Bremore Educate Together Secondary School

Leaving Certificate

Leaving Certificate

Bremore - Making choices for Leaving Certificate

Senior Cycle Options - Parents Information Powerpoint

Bremore Educate Together Secondary School recently began its first Leaving Certificate Programme in 2020

Students study 3 Core Subjects:

English, Gaeilge, Mathematics.

Students study 4 subjects from the following Optional subjects:

Computer Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Agricultural Science, Engineering, Home Economics, Art, Spanish, French, Polish (Native Language) Music, Geography, History, Business, Accountancy, Politics & Society, Leaving Certificate Physical Education, Applied Maths, Construction Studies, Design & Communications Graphics (DCG), Technology, Economics.

These are subject to available resources and demand. All subjects cannot be guaranteed.

Students also take modules in Ethical Education, Physical Education, SPHE, Careers in Fifth and Sixth Year.

You can access more information about the Leaving Certificate Programme from the NCCA at the following link:

Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP)


The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP) is a programme designed to enhance the vocational dimension of the Leaving Certificate. The programme was introduced in 1994 in response to the challenge placed on Ireland’s education system by a changing work and business environment.

The LCVP combines the academic strengths of the Leaving Certificate with a new and dynamic focus on self-directed learning, enterprise, work and the community.

This two year programme aims to cater for the diversity of participants’ needs at senior cycle. The primary goal of the LCVP is to prepare young people for adult life by ensuring that they are educated in the broadest sense, with an ability to cope and thrive in an environment of rapid change.

Participants in the programme are encouraged to develop skills and competencies fundamental to both academic and vocational success. Throughout the programme students are encouraged to

• be innovative and enterprising

• take responsibility for their own learning

• adapt to changing circumstances

• evaluate data and devise solutions to problems

• communicate their thoughts and ideas effectively

• work with others as part of a team

• investigate and plan career options • use information and communications technologies

• investigate local business and community enterprises

• learn from their experiences.

These skills and qualities are equally relevant to the needs of those preparing for further education, seeking employment or planning to start their own business.


Requirements for the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme, which is of two years’ duration, are as follows:

• LCVP students must take a minimum of five Leaving Certificate Subjects (at Higher, Ordinary or Foundation Level) including Irish.

• Two must be selected from one of the designated Vocational Subject Groupings, see listings below.

• They must study the two Link Modules, namely Preparation for the World of Work and Enterprise Education.

• Students are required to follow a recognised course in a Modern European Language (other than Irish or English).

The subject combinations which qualify a student for LCVP are:

Specialist groupings

Construction Studies or Engineering or Technical Drawing (any two).
Physics and Construction Studies or Engineering.
Agricultural Science and Construction Studies or Engineering
Agricultural science and Chemistry or Physics or Physics and Chemistry (combined).
Home Economics and Agricultural Science or Biology.
Home Economics and Art.
Accounting or Business or Economics (any two).
Physics and Chemistry.
Biology and Chemistry or Physics or Physics and Chemistry (combined).

Services Groupings

Engineering and Business or Accounting or Economics.
Construction Studies and Business or Accounting or Economics.
Home Economics and Business or Accounting or Economics.
Agricultural Science and Business or Accounting or Economics.
Art and Business or Accounting or Economics.

Three additional short courses or modules are done by LCVP students. They are:

Enterprise Education
Preparation for Work
Work Experience

The modules are examined by portfolio (60%) and examination (40%). Examinations for the modules will be held in May of Leaving Certificate year. The marks for the modules are put together and points allocated for entry to third level in place of a Leaving Certificate subject, if the student so wishes. Students will benefit by:
Taking responsibility for their own learning;
Working as a member of a team or group;
Gaining knowledge of the world of work;
Learning about setting up and running enterprise initiatives.


LCVP students receive the same certificate as students of the Leaving Certificate. An additional statement of the grade received for the Link Modules is appended to the certificate. Students taking certain combinations of subjects in the Leaving certificate are recognised as LCVP students. This programme allows those students to have project work, together with work experience, reckoned as a sixth subject for points. It is a considerable advantage to have project work carried out during school time, accepted as an examination subject.

Grades for the Link Modules are awarded as follows:

Distinction (80% or over) 66 Points

Merit (< 80% and > 59%) 46 Points

Pass (< 60% and > 49%) 28 Points


In a changing world, as well as learning knowledge, students need to develop skills to create new knowledge and to deal with and navigate their way through this new world. There are five skills identified as central to teaching and learning across the curriculum at senior cycle. These skills are important for all learners to achieve their full potential, both during their time in school and into the future.

  • Critical and creative thinking
  • Information Processing
  • Communications
  • Working with others
  • Being personally effective.

As learners develop competence in each of the five skills in an integrated way they also develop competence in learning how to learn. In order that learners benefit from their interaction with the key skills, it is important that they would encounter them frequently and in an integrated way right across the curriculum.

You can access more information about the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme from the NCCA at the following link:

Documents for Work Experience 2024/25

Please find Work Experience documents here:


Tips for securing placement

Any student requiring Garda Vetting must come and speak with Yvonne in order to process an application.

Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA)

The Leaving Certificate Applied is a two-year Leaving Certificate available to students who wish to follow a practical programme with a strong practical and vocational emphasis. It is one of three Leaving Certificate options offered by the Department of Education and Skills.

Please find Work Experience documents here:

LCA Placement 1 Letter

LCA Placement 2 Letter

LCA Placement Confirmation Form

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Bremore ETSS, Stephenstown Campus, Naul Road, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin, K32 AD90.
01 841 5897
© 2025 Bremore Educate Together Secondary School