Bremore Educate Together Secondary School

Junior Cycle

Junior Cycle

Bremore Educate Together Secondary School offers a broad and comprehensive curriculum. We have embraced and implemented the reformed Junior Cycle Curriculum as this reflects the vision of Educate Together as outlined in its document “Taking the Next Step: A Blueprint for Educate Together Second-level Schools”. The School also embraces “The Ethical Curriculum Framework” developed by Educate Together. Our aim is to provide:

  • Positive learning experiences
  • Active teaching methodologies at the core of these learning experiences
  • A positive culture of achievement and success
  • A curriculum designed to meet the needs of all the students
  • An environment that ensures happiness and safety for all
  • An extensive range of pastoral supports
  • An Ethical Education Curriculum
  • Extensive and engaging and co-curricular activities
  • Promoting and encouraging active participation by all in the school community
  • Providing students with the knowledge and skills needed to live, learn, and work in the wider community.

Subjects for Junior Cycle

All students study
Maths, English, Irish*, Science, Geography, History, Physical Education, Ethical Education, SPHE, CSPE
Optional subjects
(students choose 1) French or Spanish
(students choose 2) Art, Business Studies, Home Economics, Music, Engineering, Graphics, Applied Technology, Wood Technology

Information for Parents

Junior Cycle places students at the centre of the educational experience, enabling them to actively participate in their communities and in society and to be resourceful and confident learners in all aspects and stages of their lives. Well-being is of central importance to their educational success and overall happiness. In an effort to ensure this continues, there is an area now known as wellbeing that will become a core part of your child’s Junior Cycle experience. This area includes Physical Education (PE), Civic, Social and Political Education (CSPE), Social Personal and Health Education (SPHE). Other areas may be included over time “We want to learn how to be happy, how to be a good person”, Student voice. More information can be found here

Integrated Curriculum

An integrated curriculum promotes personal and social integration through the organisation of the curriculum around significant problems and issues, identified by teachers and learners. Projects and other activities involve integration and application of knowledge and skills in the context of a theme. Content and skills are taught, learned and applied as they are needed to work on particular themes. While knowledge is drawn from the different subjects (among other sources) students move from activity to activity, or project to project.

We run Phenomenon-Based Learning weeks, inspired by the Finnish education system. These happen at least twice during the year, we suspend the normal timetable and the students study phenomenon chosen from a selection provided by the staff. These phenomenon could be arts/music/culture/scientific based and could include topics such as 'Climate Change’, ‘Space’, ‘Sustainability’ which would include economics, history, politics, geography, philosophy, sociology, statistics, science etc.

We also focus on Development Education and Global Citizenship, each subject department has identified their Development Education Moments in their subjects and highlight them to the students where possible. Global Citizenship Education (GCE) is a powerful vehicle through which we can better understand the world we live in, and take action to change it as informed global citizens. It equips both educators and learners with the knowledge, skills and values to act ethically and sustainably in a world that is both complex and highly interconnected.



Junior CycleJunior CycleJunior CycleJunior Cycle
Feb 17
Mid Term Break
Mar 11
Incoming First Years Parent Information Evening
Mar 14
Sunrise Walk
Mar 17
School closed
Feb 17
Mid Term Break
Mar 11
Incoming First Years Parent Information Evening
Mar 14
Sunrise Walk
Mar 17
School closed
Bremore ETSS, Stephenstown Campus, Naul Road, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin, K32 AD90.
01 841 5897
© 2025 Bremore Educate Together Secondary School