Bremore Educate Together Secondary School

Amber Flag

Amber Flag

What is the Amber Flag?

The Amber Flag is a flag awarded to schools or institutions by Pieta House in recognition for the work they have done towards promoting positive mental health.

Who is on the Amber Flag Committee?

In Bremore, the whole school is involved with the Amber Flag, many of the activities that the committee organise and well attended and engaged with by the whole school, staff and students.

We have a committee, ranging in all year groups, of students who are dedicated to promoting positive mental health in our school and the society they all live in. The members of the 2019/2020 committee can be found on our Amber Flag Noticeboard.

What have the Amber Flag Committee done so far?

The Amber Flag was first set up in Bremore in 2017. Since then we have been awarded our flag in 2018 and maintained it in 2019. We hope to complete our renewal application for 2020 by April 30th and to maintain the status for another year.

These are some of the activities that contribute to our school being recognised for promoting positive mental health in our school and our wider community.

  • Annual Sunrise Walk as a whole-school
  • Annual Breakfast Feast together
  • Tea and Chats with the Amber Flag
  • Food Donations to local charities
  • Random Acts of Kindness Challenges
  • Themes Tutorials e.g, Mindful Mondays, Thoughtful Tuesdays…
  • Positivity Drives e.g, Kind messages to a teacher
  • Positive displays eg, LGBT rainbow bunting, what we love about Bremore…
  • Commitment to Restorative Practice

What are the Amber Flag working on currently?

Students on the committee are currently trying to plan something to help ease the sense of worry for students, parents and staff during the school closures due to Covid-19.


Amber FlagAmber FlagAmber FlagAmber FlagAmber FlagAmber FlagAmber FlagAmber Flag
Jan 14
5th Year PTSM
Jan 15
Information Meeting
Jan 22
School closed - staff training
Jan 23
Senior Cycle Subject Fair
Follow Us
Bremore ETSS, Stephenstown Campus, Naul Road, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin, K32 AD90.
01 841 5897
© 2025 Bremore Educate Together Secondary School